Sunday, October 23, 2011

What should I write on my defense cake?

I had been thinking about creating this blog for a long time, but I just never had time. My defense essentially marked the end of perpetual busy-ness and so I think this is the perfect first post.

So there was a tie between "Congratulations Dr. ThaiBinh!" and "Congratulations Dr. T! ... I pity the foo who did not attend ThaiBinh's defense." (I'd like to credit ES for the latter submission.) I had to make an executive decision and go with what would realistically fit on the cake:

Teehee. Just kidding. My sister took this picture for me:

Bonus! Some friends also submitted haikus (in both 3-5-3 and 5-7-5 form):

You are a doctor...

Many years hard work
Soon you'll have a PhD

ThaiBinh! Now you are both a
doctor and a dwarf!

ThaiBinh's defense, yay!
Will there be talk of pipets?
Probably not, no.

Well done ThaiBinh, PhD
Science is true virtue.

Data collected: 10/13/2011 - 10/21/2011